Research and Development (R&D)

About Research and Development Cell

The HR department of BKMEA serves as the cornerstone of organizational success, overseeing critical functions that nurture the heart of the Organization: its people. Responsible from recruitment and selection to training and development, the HR department ensures that the right talent is in place to drive the organization forward. Beyond administrative tasks, HR professionals are strategic partners, aligning human capital initiatives with broader business objectives. They foster employee engagement, manage performance, and navigate complex legal and compliance landscapes. In an ever-evolving business environment, HR departments play a pivotal role in shaping workplace culture, promoting diversity and inclusion, and adapting to emerging trends such as remote work and digital transformation. As the custodians of the employee experience, HR professionals empower individuals to thrive, enable then to achieve their goals and sustain long-term success of BKMEA.

In response to economic downturns or emerging any global crises, it plays a crucial role in setting market priorities and strategies by offering relevant research and knowledge-based policy guidelines.

The cell publishes a bi-annual journal "Knit Communiqué," an annual report "Apparel Export Statistics of Bangladesh," and a quarterly "Knit Barta" in Bangla. Additionally, the cell prepares and disseminates articles, newsletters, and market briefs among different relevant stakeholders including entrepreneurs, policy makers, academician to keep them updated on the concurrent domestic and international landscape of the industry.


R & D Cell’s Contribution to Knit Sector as well as BKMEA

Expedition of New Market for the growth of the country’s knitwear sector

The Research and Development Cell is working continuously through market research on emerging, but potential markets across the world to develop trade expansion and facilitation. The newly emerging markets are Australia, Japan, China, Russia, South Africa, Korea, India, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey and these countries have great potential in terms of export of Bangladesh Knitwear products. According to sources, the rise in exports to markets such as Australia, Japan, Russia, and Brazil is highly encouraging.

Research work on Market Policy, Trade Openness, Existing Market, and Business Barriers to make the business easier

In the present era, it is impossible to think about the development of the economy without researching the insights of the facts. Also, it is much more important to find out the hindering of the Knitwear production and export growth, the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, the competitiveness position of the sector, the Potentiality of the sector, WTO-related rules & regulation regarding trade facilities for LCDs graduation, the national and international rules and regulation regarding apparel trade, Rules of Origin (RoO), Supply Chain Management.

Market statistics analysis and primary Data Collection and study for the betterment of the Knitwear Sector

The scarcity of information and relevant data is one of the major hindrances to research projects. In Bangladesh, the source and reliability of RMG-related data is not sufficient. As our main objective is to create a research ethos not only for the knitwear sector but also for the economy of Bangladesh we took the initiative to fill the gap regarding the availability of data.
Research and Development wing, BKMEA with efficient and energetic research executives are endeavoring to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, the Competitive advantage of the sector, Non-Tariff measures of the Knitwear export, and the Impact of Minimum Wage increase on the Knitwear sector of Bangladesh. 

Global Buyers’ Information Directory

The Research & Development wing of BKMEA has published a mammoth 2100-page book named “Global Buyers’ Information Directory”, where relevant buyer’s information, tariff structure, product values, and economic situation have been accommodated to grab the opportunities of market expansion in upcoming days.

Activities of R&D

Publishing Regular Updates: The R&D cell of BKMEA focuses on contemporary and ever-evolving international trade and business rules and laws, as well as technological advancements in the textile and clothing industry in the global arena. Based on these, they publish policy in the form of policy briefs, findings, and various formats, including magazines, bulletins, press releases, etc.

Active Participation in Policy Making Forum: Actively participates and contributes to national discussions on national budget, export-import policy, Trade facilitation, logistics and port policies for the betterment of the sector.

Market Research: Conduct comprehensive studies to identify new and potential markets for Bangladesh's knitwear exports by analyzing market demand, consumer preferences, and current fashion trends. tariff structures, and competitive pricing strategies for knitwear products. The research is intended to inform entrepreneurs, policy makers and others concerning product and market diversification potential, thus enabling them to meet evolving market demands and tap into previously unexplored opportunities.

Supporting the Greening the Knitwear Industry: Puts efforts in securing financing for sustainable factory developments through coordinating with government and donor agencies to support the greenization process of Bangladesh's knitwear factories. 

Research-Based Policy Suggestions: Provides analytical research that aids in crafting policies and strategies for sustaining the competitiveness of Bangladesh's knitwear sector in the international apparel market.
Foreign Missions and Embassies: Maintains relationships with foreign missions and embassies, and Bangladesh commercial council wings at abroad by offering and exchanging insights and facilitating discussions to enhance the knitwear sector market development. 
Jointly working with International Working Partners: Collaborates and engages in knowledge dissemination process with international partners like GIZ, UNIDO, IAF, ADB, AFD, and relevant trade bodies at abroad. 

Policy Making Forum: Actively participates and contributes to national discussions on budget, export-import, and port policies to influence decision-making.

Training & Workshops: Offers and participates in training programs and workshops on market analysis, export management, brand development, and more to bolster their expertise.

Accomplished works by BKMEA

The Research and Development (R&D) cell of the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) plays a critical role in facilitating sustainable knitwear export growth.  With Working alongside various national and international entities, including government ministries, departments, agencies, and international organizations, the R&D cell is committed to enhancing knitwear exports through strategic research and policy development.