Family Planning Commodities Supply in RMG Sector


To ensure the maternal health, unexpected pregnancy and safe MR of Bangladesh Ready Made Garments Workers, BKMEA is administrating various types of activities. “Family Planning Commodities Supply in RMG sector” program is one of them. Under the program BKMEA as one of the implementing partner who is mobilizing and conducting the whole program. It’s a government initiative which is run by the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP).Here Marie Stops is a development partner also making bridge with DGFP and BKMEA for achieving the objective of this program.


Program Implementation:

First of all, BKMEA appointed a project monitoring coordinator on 1st January 2018 to look after the total program properly. Then BKMEA issued a letter to the selected member factories for introducing about total program objectives and registered them under this mentioned program. After completing registration BKMEA assumed the member factories purview the total program and communicated with the factories to fix the training schedule and collect the participant’s nomination. Total service provider factories under BKMEA are 144 and 120 factories are getting training and commodities.


Monitoring & Evaluation:

During the training period Project Monitoring and Evaluation team (MARIE STOPES & BKMEA) have monitored the advancement of training program regularly like how DGFP providing their training, what kinds of problem is DGFP facing while training time, is BKMEA really running the program regularly, what is the environmental condition of the training venues etc. Overall the project monitoring and evaluation team is trying to mitigate arising problem of the training program respectfully. Also doing Need & Gap assessment survey in six factories with ResInt Bangladesh Ltd.



This program is very much fruitful for the RMG sector in Bangladesh. This task is a huge one and to continue this program, strong structural design is needed here.  BKMEA hope that each and every official, officer and worker will be conscious about their own safety about the maternal health, unexpected pregnancy and safe MR. As a result the health & safety and productivity of RMG sector will be increased gradually and the RMG sector of Bangladesh can be reached to his goal finally.