Compliance Services

Under the able leadership of BKMEA, Compliance cell has taken monitoring program to improve on compliance issues for the factory and also taken Skill Development Programs for the management and workers. 

Social compliance monitoring program:

To enhance the compliance status of the whole industry, BKMEA with the support of GIZ, started a ‘social compliance monitoring program’ since early 2007. Twenty members competent monitoring team of BKMEA were working at factory level to check compliance issues on a regular basis.

Monitoring cell of BKMEA was working at factory level to check compliance related issues regularly using a check list of 89 questionnaires by the headed Employment condition, Working hours, Maternity benefits, Wages and benefits, Welfare, Occupational health, Occupational safety, Industrial relation, Environment and Zero tolerance issues.

It is noted that Child labour, forced labour, discrimination, harassment & abuse, fire safety issues are the Zero Tolerance (ZT) issues.

Any factory can be obtained any grade of ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’ or ‘D’ which is depended on the total score of the respective factory.




Objectives of Monitoring Program were: 

  1.  To form an efficient compliance monitoring team of BKMEA.
  2.  To monitor the basic rights of workers through direct interaction and guide the factories to overcome their loopholes. 
  3. To enhance the overall social compliance status of the sector up to an acceptable level.
  4. To raise awareness among factory owners, workers and other stakeholders.

Capacity building of the factories for maintaining social compliance standards by their own effort.

Training Program:

Mid-Level Management Training Program: 

To   develop    true    professionalism   in factory management, BKMEA was arranging series of training programs for mid-level management of factories. Three training manuals for mid-level officers has been published. BKMEA has trained mid-level officers of member units under this program. The objective of this initiative was to develop at least one competent compliance officer in each factory which will support the factory for maintaining compliance necessities by own effort. BKMEA and EPB (Export Promotion Bureau) conducted five days long Mid-Level Management training on overall Social Compliance issues.


Workers’ Training Program:

The contribution of workers in the RMG sector is remarkable. But lack of adequate knowledge on labor law, influence of ill motive outsiders, unrest was raising which created negative effect on the largest   export   earning sector of the country as well as smashed the country’s image in the global market. To solve this issue, for the first time in Bangladesh, BKMEA, being a owners’ organization has arranged awareness training for the workers on their rights and responsibilities. The worker training manuals were being distributed at least 20-25 workers with refreshment facilities and awarded to best workers while arranging such training in each batch of its member factory. BKMEA profoundly believed that, this creates a sense of belongings of the workers to factory as well as ensure their rights as per law. Besides this, another worker’s training started on productivity and compliance in collaboration with EPB.

Grievance Handling through Labour Cell:

Under the Social Compliance, BKMEA has formed a Labor Cell to solve any kind of dispute and unrest arises in factory. The Labor Cell consists of some well-trained officers who have special expertise on grievance handling. The cell rushes to the factory where any unrest creates and solves the disputes arranging bilateral discussion between owner-worker. Thus, Labor Cell is continuously supporting the workers to get their rights as per law under direct supervision of BKMEA top management. Labor Cell is promised to make a bridge between worker and owner.

Publication Materials:

To disseminate information on compliance issues, BKMEA has published a complete guidebook on social and environmental compliance along with structural safety, a handbook on labor law, three training manuals for mid-level management, one training manual for workers, a number of posters and stickers. All these materials are in local language and have been distributed already to the member factories at free of cost.

Experience Sharing Session with Factory Owners:

Development of a Compliant Factory is largely dependent on the intention and capability   of an owner. To convince owners and provide them updated information on world   compliance scenario, BKMEA was regularly arranging experience sharing sessions with factory owners dividing total industrial areas into particular zones. Pioneer owners in   RMG business were being invited in those sessions to encourage other entrepreneurs from his/ her practical experience.       

BKMEA Membership:

BKMEA has developed membership check list with well formulated questionaries based on local laws for conducting full-fledged compliance audit. When a new factory applies for membership, BKMEA provides pre-membership check list for their preparedness. After completion the factory preparedness, BKMEA compliance team visits the factory using membership check list which is same with pre-membership check list. If core questions are not full-fill up to the mark, the team provides Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and follow up visits to check progress. After complying all the requirements, the new factory is eligible to get membership. Finaly, BKMEA core committee approves membership.